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Admission Policy

All School Policy for Admissions
August 2023 – July 2024

Review date: June 2023
Next review date: June 2024


Our Little Vaishnavs School is an Independent, co-educational Vaishnav school from Nursery to secondary,grade 9. The intake age at Nursery is from 3+ and in the Primary School 5+.
However, we do consider pupils at any stage as and when occasional vacancies arise.
Joining the school in year 1 and 2 would involve a classroom based tester morning. From year 3 upwards a more formal written assessment may be required alongside a classroom based tester.
There is only one time of entry into Nursery and Primary which is in the month of August.
Children need to be 3 turning 4 during the Nursery year.



Number of places available in each grade form Nursery through to Grade 9 is 10.
Places for the new students are potentially offered to all that register for the school and/or after a visit to the school.


Class allocation

All classes are combination classes and mixed ability with birth dates ranging from August through to July. The allocation of class teachers is at the school's discretion.
We do not allocate teachers on parent preference.
Once the classes are confirmed, and the academic year has started, children will remain with the assigned class teacher and grade, and not move from one year group to another.



Pupils may be registered for entry any time after birth. A registration form needs to be completed and sent to the school, with a ₹250.00 registration fee. This registers each pupil for a place in the school. Once those places are filled, any child registering after the birth year are put on the waiting list. Registration is accepted in order, with siblings having priority. Children on the waiting list may subsequently be offered a definite place if one becomes available.


Offered Places

School places are offered in the Summer Term, in the year preceding entry. Nursery Places are offered in the month that the parents visit the nursery. Formal offer letters requesting a non-returnable Admissions fee are sent out to the definite list places. Admissions Fees must be paid by the stated date or it will be deemed that the place is no longer required. Following the final date for payment of Admission Fees, if places are available, the waiting list will become operational.


School Visits

School visits are only offered to parents whose children are already registered at the school – at this stage we do not host Special Function days for general entry. New parents are invited to visit only after setting up an appointment with the school.


Acceptance Policy

Our Little Vaishnavs endeavours to accept all pupils, regardless of any disability (SEND) of which it is aware. The school asks parents if special needs should be taken into consideration, including English as a second language (ESL). In assessing any pupil or prospective pupil, the school may take such advice and require such assessments as are considered appropriate. This is to ensure that the school can provide the right environment for the child’s academic needs.

We consider all children for admission to the school who have the ability and aptitude to access an academic curriculum. Pupils whose SEND are suited to the curriculum are welcome, provided the school has the appropriate resources and facilities to provide them with the support that they require.

Subject to this, the school will be sensitive to any requests for confidentiality.

Parents must disclose to the school any known or suspected circumstances relating to their child’s health, development, allergies, disabilities and learning difficulties. The school reserves the right to subsequently withdraw any place offered based on incomplete disclosure of known or suspected SEND circumstances.

Based on such disclosure, the school will confirm whether or not it is able to fully meet the needs of the child.

Where a child’s SEND is identified, or develops, after the child has started at the school, we will endeavour to continue to support the child as long as we have the appropriate resources and facilities to provide them with the support they require and we believe it is in the best interest of the child and of the school community to remain at the school.

Where, in our judgement, either of these conditions no longer apply, we reserve the right to withdraw a place at the school. In such circumstances, we will use our reasonable endeavours to support parents in finding alternative arrangements.

We do not withdraw children from lessons to receive ESL support. The class teacher and/or classroom assistant supports the individual child.

We provide a range of opportunities for children to engage in speaking and listening activities in English with peers and adults. We also allow the children to perform and be assessed on tasks in their own language especially in areas such as Maths.
Differentiation of texts and materials that suit the child’s age is used to encourage learning. Support is also provided through ICT and audio materials.

Our Little Vaishnavs will look to train or find courses for the teachers to attend in order to help with the inclusion of any child in the school. The training will either be internal or external depending on the needs of the child.

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